vineri, 6 martie 2015

Before there was Photoshop

Cu ocazii împlinirii 25 de ani de existență a Adobe Photoshop cei de la au publicat o serie de tutoriale și documentare:

The evolution of a tool palette | Photoshop 25th anniversary

The desktop publishing revolution | Photoshop 25th anniversary

The rise of digital photography | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop and journalism | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Before there was Photoshop | graphic design tools | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Before there was Photoshop | film photography | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Seán Duggan's Fire & Ice photo composite | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Tomasz Opasinski's 3D-rendered birthday balloon | Photoshop 25th Anniversary

James White's Laser Horse illustration | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Bert Monroy, digital painter | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Chris Orwig, photographer | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Katrin Eismann, photographic educator | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Dana Keller, photo colorizer | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Maggie Taylor, digital artist | Photoshop 25th anniversary

My Photoshop story | Brooke Shaden, fine art photographer | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | channel operations | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | sharpening filters | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | selection tools | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | healing tools | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | blend modes | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | color modes | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | Smart Objects | Photoshop 25th anniversary

Photoshop tutorial | layer masks | Photoshop 25th anniversary

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